A word from our kitchen
Some say that Spring arrives early in these parts; well it's true. After a ridiculous amount of rain through the winter; the clouds have cleared, the winds blew in from the East and the land dried up.
The wild flowers poked their heads up through the soils; the first of the dewy mornings revealed that long awaited sight of Three Cornered Leeks and Alexanders... Spring is here.
We have an uber larder on our doorstep. Amongst the hedgerows we can forage for Hogweed Shoots, Meadowsweet, Japanese Knotweed and lots more. And along the waters edge, Samphire and Sea Beet.
Join Caroline Davey, Fat Hen for some foraging days; starting at The Gurnard's, a brisk circular walk around the headland & back for lunch. Please see her page for details: www.fathen.org
So ditch the winter jumper, put on your walking boots & come to stay. The roads are quiet now the schools have gone back. Make the most of our Sleepovers.

Group Bookings
The Gurnard’s Head is well suited to parties, large or small. Our dining room can be split up to suit whatever size your group. Our huge Bakers’ Table looking out to the garden is ideal for tables of up to about 16.
If you aren't able to book via our Book a Table button above, drop us an email and we will do what we can.
Special Diets
We think vegetarian and plant-based food can be great food. Cornwall's larder is a great opportunity to cook great food for those who don't want to eat meat or fish.
Our aim is to make the numerous vegetarian and vegan items on our menu so good that carnivores and pescivores will want to choose them. Have a look....
We can also cater for those on gluten or dairy free diets: we'll aim always to ask you when you book but do volunteer any information which you think can help us look after you.
Service Charges
Generally, we try and move with (or before) the times. And it’s become clear that a suggested service charge is now becoming widespread.
So we now add a 12.5% discretionary service charge to all our dining guests’ bills. Any money we receive as service charge or cash left on the table goes to the same place: our teams.
We welcome children all year round and at both lunch and supper, in both the bar and the dining room. Children will one day be our paying guests and we think they tend to respond well to being treated as adults.
If you are staying and would like your younger children to eat earlier, then we can provide high tea in the bar from 5:30.